Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Why I don't blog very often.

When I started this blog I was going to gather up all sorts of of awesome Ubuntu tips and tricks and stuff. But the fact of the matter is blogging on a regular basis requires that you actually have something to say. Which for what I was going to do means research. That equates to work. Which I don't feel like doing right now.

But here's an example of blogging on the cheap. Talk some shit about one OS kicking the other to the curb. I mean really worth while journalism there from Robin Harris of ZDnet. I'm so glad he made that contribution to the billions of worthless web pages out there. I guess it gives me an excuse to add some more crap to the pile.

Someone please tell this idot Windows 7 is only out in beta at the moment. Linux isn't suddenly going away because Microsoft supposedly have 80% of the netbook market. Which I doubt. GNU/Linux was born into a world of Microsoft domination. That is its' natural habitat.

Windows on the other hand traditionally has a tough time competing with it's self. Especially when there's little to no obvious gain in an upgrade. Which is a problem for Windows 7. It might be leaner than Vista but it looks pretty similar on top. To use the touch screen tech, you need to fork out for a new display and I doubt anybody is going to buy a new OS or a new PC just to get a new taskbar.

I mean WOW! Microsoft stole the Linux taskbar and now Linux is dead!!! OMFG!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! .... Okay I'm done taking the piss.


  1. aikiwolfie - You could increase your Blog entries here without very much additional effort. Just copy and paste from other sites you've written to. I've read your entries on (nameless computer company's) web site and think some would do well here. For instance. Your ideas about, What if MS goes under? With just a little editing, like, removing the paragraphs and reference to that computer company and keeping it about MS and OSs, would fit here.

    Just keep at it. I really do enjoy your writing.

  2. Yeah I know. I've tried that. But sometimes it's just more work than it's worth.

    It's not like I have a burning desire to be a professional blogger. I've never been the type to seek out the lime light.

    I also don't want to be the type that fills my blog with crap and then rerun crap that gets done over and over. I've seen it happen too many times on too many blogs.

    Pretty quickly it becomes like popular science fiction. It's the same story with a new paint job. A bit like Windows Vista and Windows 7 actually.

    Which reminds me. I still need to get round to posting those screenshots.
