As with anything we want to learn in life I needed source materials, examples and exercises to complete. I found these in the Ubuntu orientated on-line magazine Full Circle. One of the early tutorials dives straight into writing a simple program that creates, loads and updates a database of cooking recipes.
The data in the database in this exercise isn't particularly important. It's the lessons learnt in writing the program that creates and manipulates the database. And fortunately Python is a very rich language with a lot of additional modules that can be called upon to enhance the power of software written in Python.
Personally I don't think what I've produced is particularly impressive. But it's where I'm at. For example I really should be making better use of Python's class objects. I guess I still have some habits from learning COMAL and Turbo Pascal bouncing around in my brain getting in the way. I guess I can only get better right?
With some basic concepts learnt, the next challenge is to create a program that will win me the lottery. On the off chance anybody is interested I've included my source code below.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Program Title : Cookbook Database
# Local Filename :
# Author : Kevin Lynch
# Created : 04.06.2012
# Brief: Write a program capable of storing recipes for later retrival.
# * The program should be menu driven.
# * Include a search function allowing users to search by;
# + Recipe title,
# + Author,
# + Ingredients.
# * The program should also be capable of creating new cookbooks.
# * Adding new recipe entries to each relevant book on demand.
# * Removing unwanted entries from a book on demand.
# * Program output and interaction prompts must be presentable.
# Additional Credits:
# This project is based on the Python tutorials published by
# Full Circle Magazine. So far as this author can tell the original
# "cookbook" tutorial was written by Greg Walters of
# "RainyDay Solutions, LLC" and "".
# Terminal dimensions code courtisy of Grant Edwards.
#--| Import Modules |----------------------------------------------------
import os
import apsw # SQLite wrapper.
import string
#import webbrowser
import termios, fcntl, struct, sys
#--| Class/Object Definition Section |-----------------------------------
class aScreen():
def __init__(self,aTitle,aBorder,aJustify,aMessage,aContent,aOptionlist):
# Get Dimentions
s = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)
fd_stdout = sys.stdout.fileno()
x = fcntl.ioctl(fd_stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)
# print '(rows, cols, x pixels, y pixels) =',
# print struct.unpack("HHHH", x)
# return struct.unpack("HHHH", x)
s = struct.unpack("HHHH", x)
self.iDefault = 'Press "Q" to quit <::> '
self.H = (s[0] - 6)
self.W = s[1]
self.J = aJustify # Tells the aScreen object which type of justification to use.
self.T = aTitle
self.B = (aBorder * self.W)
self.P = 1
self.M = aMessage # Should be a short single line instruction.
self.C = aContent # Should be a list. Each list entry will correspond to a line in the terminal.
self.O = aOptionlist # List of valid responses for this screen.
def checkLine(line):
def formatScreen(self): # Formats the screen output. Works for showScreen() and should not be called directly.
# Initialise screen segmentation.
seg1 = [self.T,self.B,' ']
seg2 = []
seg3 = [' ',self.B]
lines = []
# Copy charcaters one at a time from self.C to creat a string of a maximum length of self.W - self.P
if len(self.C) < self.H:
j = len(self.C)
j = self.H
for i in range(0,j):
line = self.C[i]
if len(line) < self.W:
seg2.append(' %s' % line)
j = (self.W - self.P)
while len(line) >= self.W:
if line[j] == ' ':
seg2.append(' %s' % line[0:j])
line = line[(j + 1):len(line)]
i += 1
j -= 1
seg2.append(' %s' % line)
i += 1
# Add filler lines.
if len(seg2) < self.H:
for i in range(len(seg2),self.H):
seg2.append(' ')
# Add everything to one big list.
for i in range(0,len(seg1)):
for i in range(0,len(seg2)):
for i in range(0,len(seg3)):
return lines
def errorScreen(self):
def showScreen(self): # Displays the current screen.
loop = True
lines = self.formatScreen()
while loop == True:
# Print the title, main body and borders of the screen.
for i in range(0,len(lines)):
print lines[i]
# Prompt the user for input from the keyboard and verify the response.
kbd = raw_input(self.M)
for i in range(0,len(self.O)):
if kbd == self.O[i]:
loop = False
elif self.O[0] == 'pass':
loop = False
self.errorScreen() # When an invalid option is made the user is told.
return kbd
class newRecord():
def __init__(self): # Initialise the new recipe class.
# Variables for Recipes table. = ''
self.servings = 0
self.source = ''
# Variables for Instructions table.
self.instructions = ''
# Variables for Ingredients table.
self.ingredients = []
# General variables needed for this record.
self.recID = 0
class newDB():
def __init__(self,dbname): # Initialise the Cookbook class.
global connection
global cursor
self.totalcount = 0
connection = apsw.Connection(dbname)
# connection = apsw.Connection("cookbook1.db3")
cursor = connection.cursor()
def addRec(self,rec):
sql = 'INSERT INTO Recipes (name,servings,source) VALUES ("%s",%s,"%s")' % (,str(rec.servings),rec.source)
sql = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
rec.recID = x[0]
sql = 'INSERT INTO Instructions (recipeID,instructions) VALUES (%s,"%s")' % (rec.recID,rec.instructions)
for x in range(0,(len(rec.ingredients) - 1)):
sql = 'INSERT INTO Ingredients (recipeID,ingredients) VALUES (%s,"%s")' % (rec.recID,rec.ingredients[x])
def deleteRec(self,rid):
sql = "DELETE FROM Recipes WHERE pkID = %s" % rid
sql = "DELETE FROM Instructions WHERE recipeID = %s" % rid
sql = "DELETE FROM Ingredients WHERE recipeID = %s" % rid
def listAll(self): # Create a list of all recipes.
res = ['%s %s %s %s' % ('Item'.rjust(6),'Name'.ljust(30),'Serves'.ljust(7),'Source'.ljust(30))]
for x in cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM Recipes'):
res.append('%s %s %s %s' % (str(x[0]).rjust(6),x[1].ljust(30),x[2].ljust(7),x[3].ljust(30)))
return res
def listOne(self,rec):
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE pkID = %d' % rec.recID
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
rec.recID = x[0] = x[1]
rec.servings = x[2]
rec.source = x[3]
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Ingredients WHERE RecipeID = %s' % rec.recID
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Instructions WHERE RecipeID = %s' % rec.recID
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
rec.instructions = x[1]
return rec
def searchDB(self,sql,option):
if option != '3':
# Do search for options 1 and 2
res = ['%s %s %s %s' % ('Item'.ljust(5),'Name'.ljust(30),'Serves'.ljust(6),'Source'.ljust(30))]
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
res.append('%s %s %s %s' % (str(x[0]).rjust(5),x[1].ljust(30),x[3].ljust(20),x[2].ljust(30)))
# Do search for option 3
res = ['%s %s %s %s %s' % ('Item'.rjust(5),'Name'.ljust(30),'Serves'.ljust(6),'Source'.ljust(25),'Ingredient'.ljust(50))]
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
res.append('%s %s %s %s %s' % (str(x[0]).rjust(5),x[1].ljust(30),x[2].ljust(6),x[3].ljust(25),x[4].ljust(50)))
# Catch exception.
res ['I have encountered a problem performing your search request!']
return res
#--| Function Definition Section |---------------------------------------
def LAR(db,title,message): # List all recipes in the database.
c = db.listAll()
lars = aScreen(title,'*','',message,c,['pass'])
kbd = lars.showScreen()
return kbd
def SAR(db,kbd): #Show a single recipe.
# Show list of recipes to select from.
if kbd == 'pass':
kbd = LAR(db,'The Cookbook Project > Select A Recipe','Press "Q" to quit or make a selection <: br="br"> # Retrieve the choosen recipe from the database.
elif kbd.isdigit() == True:
rec = newRecord()
rec.recID = int(kbd)
rec = db.listOne(rec)
# Display the results.
c = [,' ','Preperation Steps:',rec.instructions,' ','Ingredients:']
for x in range(0,len(rec.ingredients)):
c.append(' ')
c.append('Serves: %s' % str(rec.servings))
c.append(' ')
c.append('Written by %s' % rec.source)
sars = aScreen('The Cookbook Project','*','','Press any key to continue <: br="br" c="c" pass="pass"> kbd = sars.showScreen()
elif kbd == 'delete':
kbd = LAR(db,'The Cookbook Project > Select A Recipe For DELETION!','Press "Q" to quit or make a selection <: br="br"> return kbd
def SRD(db): # Search for a recipe.
# Determine search criteria.
SRDS = aScreen('Search Database','*','pass','Press "Q" to quit or make a selection :> ',['Search by ...','1 - Recipe Name','2 - Author','3 - Ingredients'],['1','2','3','Q'])
SRDSa = aScreen('Search Database By Recipe Name','*','pass',':> ',['What is the name of the recipie you would like to search for?'],['pass'])
SRDSb = aScreen('Search Database By Author','*','pass',':> ',['Who would you like to search for?'],['pass'])
SRDSc = aScreen('Search Database By Ingredients','*','pass',':> ',['Which ingredients would you like to search for?'],['pass'])
kbd = SRDS.showScreen()
rec = newRecord()
if kbd != 'Q':
if kbd != '3':
if kbd == '1':
kbd = SRDSa.showScreen()
sql = "SELECT pkID,name,source,servings FROM Recipes WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%'" % kbd
res = db.searchDB(sql,'pass')
kbd = SRDSa.showScreen()
sql = "SELECT pkID,name,source,servings FROM Recipes WHERE source LIKE '%%%s%%'" % kbd
res = db.searchDB(sql,'pass')
kbd = SRDSa.showScreen()
sql = "SELECT r.pkID,,r.servings,r.source,i.ingredients FROM Recipes r LEFT JOIN Ingredients i ON (r.pkID == i.recipeID) WHERE i.ingredients LIKE '%%%s%%' GROUP BY r.pkID" % kbd
res = db.searchDB(sql,'3')
SRDS = aScreen('Search Results','*','pass','Press "Q" to quit or make a selection :> ',res,['pass'])
kbd = SRDS.showScreen()
def ARD(db): #Add a recipe to the database.
nr = newRecord()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please enter the title of your recipe or press "Q" to quit :> ',[''],['pass']) = screen.showScreen()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please enter how many your recipe serves or press "Q" to quit :> ',[],['pass'])
nr.servings = screen.showScreen()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please enter the name of the author of your recipe or press "Q" to quit :> ',[,'Serves %s' % nr.servings],['pass'])
nr.source = screen.showScreen()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please enter the ingredients for your recipe or press "N" to move on :> ',[,'Serves %s' % nr.servings,'Written by %s' % nr.source],['pass'])
kbd = screen.showScreen()
loop = True
while loop == True:
if kbd == 'N':
loop = False
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please enter the ingredients for your recipe or press "N" to move on :> ',[,'Serves %s' % nr.servings,'Written by %s' % nr.source,' ','Ingredients'] + nr.ingredients,['pass'])
kbd = screen.showScreen()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Please provide instructions for prepairing your recipe or press "Q" to quit :> ',[,'Serves %s' % nr.servings,'Written by %s' % nr.source,' ','Ingredients'] + nr.ingredients,['pass'])
nr.instructions = screen.showScreen()
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Do you wish to save this recipe? Press "Y" for YES and "N" for NO :> ',[,'Serves %s' % nr.servings,'Written by %s' % nr.source,' ','Ingredients'] + nr.ingredients + [' ','Preperation Instructions',nr.instructions],['pass'])
kbd = screen.showScreen()
# Now write all data to the database
if kbd == 'Y':
def DRD(db):
screen = aScreen('Add A New Recipe','*','pass','Do you wish to continue? Press "Y" for YES and "N" for NO :> ',['WARNING!!! This section is for deleting recipes from your data base. This operation cannot be undone!'],['pass'])
kbd = screen.showScreen()
if kbd == 'Y':
kbd = SAR(db,'delete')
if kbd.isdigit() == True:
def mainLoop(dbname):
db = newDB(dbname)
t = 'The Cook Book Project > Main Menu'
m = 'Press "Q" to quit or make a selection <: br="br"> o = ['Q','A','B','C','D','E']
c = ['A - List All Recipes','B - Select A Recipe','C - Search Recipe Database',' ','D - "ADD" A New Recipe','E - "DELETE" A Recipe']
mLscreen = aScreen(t,'*','pass',m,c,o)
loop = True
while loop == True: # Show the main menu until a valid option is selected.
kbd = mLscreen.showScreen()
if kbd == 'Q':
loop = False
elif kbd == 'A':
# List all the recipes in the database.
kbd = LAR(db,'The Cookbook Project > List All Records','Press any key to continue <: br="br"> elif kbd == 'B':
# Select a recpie.
elif kbd == 'C':
# Search the data base.
elif kbd == 'D':
# Add a recipe.
elif kbd == 'E':
# Delete a recipe.
#--| Main Program |------------------------------------------------------
# Title screen. Database file name will be asked for here.
intro = ['Welcome To The Cookbook Project','please enter the file name of your cookbook.']
title = aScreen('The Cookbook Project','*','pass','Press "Q" to quit or enter a file name <: br="br" intro="intro" pass="pass">dbname = title.showScreen()
# Main program loop.
if dbname != 'Q':
if dbname == '':
dbname ='cookbook1.db3' # This is a stub.
# Credits screen.
intro = ['The Cookbook Project Software.','Written by Kevin Lynch',' ','Original tutorial published by Full Circle Magazine.','Original code written by Greg Walters','Rainyday Solutions, LLC,','',' ','Terminal dimentions detection by Grant Edwards']
title = aScreen(' ','*','centered','Press any key to quit <: br="br" intro="intro" pass="pass">dbname = title.showScreen()
nice but still some syntax
ReplyDeleteWorked fine back in 2012. What's wrong with the syntax?
Deletethere is an error on line 216
ReplyDelete216 is white space. An empty blank line in both the version above when I copy & paste it into a text editor and in the original .py file. So what's the problem? Simply saying there's in error in your code from 2012 doesn't tell me what you are seeing.
DeleteI also looked at this in Visual Studio Code. Which has an "interesting" take on Python syntax vs the official documentation for the version I was using in 2012.
def showScreen(self): # Displays the current screen.
Deleteloop = True
lines = self.formatScreen()
while loop == True:
# Print the title, main body and borders of the screen.
for i in range(0,len(lines)):
print lines[i]
The original error is on print lines[i]
if i put print(lines[i]) or print(lines) the error goes away... but i get another error.
def SAR(db,kbd): #Show a single recipe.
# Show list of recipes to select from.
if kbd == 'pass':
kbd = LAR(db,'The Cookbook Project > Select A Recipe','Press "Q" to quit or make a selection <: br="br">
the error is at the end of <: br="br">
I think it has something to do with the print line[i] but not sure.
If i could send you a snapshot I would...
Ok. As stated many times. This was written in 2012. Which would make it Python 2.7 or earlier. The Python documentation for 2.7.x says my print statement is just fine. Whatever your debugger is telling you. The print statement is not the problem. The problem is linked to the SQLwrapper. It seems something has changed and it's no longer able to read from or write to the DB3 file.
ReplyDeleteSo the solution you need to look at is to fix how the program interacts with the SQL wrapper. Which is most of the program. In other words. Start from scratch and refactor the entire thing. Perhaps switch to an alternative SQLite wrapper.